Thursday, December 23, 2010

What goes down....must go up

What I learned on my run today: I am SLOW SLOW SLOW and while running down hill at the beginning of a run feels great, that only means that you have to run UP HILL at the end of your run and that is not so fun.  Today I was finally able to get outside and run since it stopped raining, so Thor and I went for a little 2 mile run/walk then later in the day I went for a 10k run with the lightening pace of 11min/mile.  It felt good to run outside and not see any rain. 

Yesterday I took the dogs out for a long walk while we had a brief break from the torrential down pour over the past few days.  On Tuesday I woke up early and went to the gym for a strength training workout.  Other than my stomach growling halfway through the workout I felt great.  I was still able to do some pull-ups, but the reps have come down a bit.  I still wonder if people can tell I'm pregnant or just think I have a beer belly. 
Later that day I just couldn't take the weather anymore and decided to just go to the gym...I ended up riding 40miles on a spin bike (1hour 45min) and ran 1 mile after.  Surprisingly I didn't have any emergency bathroom breaks during the workout.  Other than my butt being sore the next day I actually felt pretty good. 

I'm not totally positive but I think I'm starting to feel a little movement in's still hard to tell if it's muscles or baby movement.  Hopefully soon I'll be able to tell the difference so I can actually feel pregnant.

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