Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Exercise does a body, mind, and soul GOOD!!

1/4/2010 20 weeks TODAY!
It's been a little while since my last update...Let's see the Holiday's are over which is good and bad.  I kind of like the fresh start January give you and getting all the bad tempting food out of the house!  Here's a tip for getting a great start with your healthy eating plan... THROW IT OUT: Throw out all the left overs, the candy, the chocolate, the tempting snack foods that are not so nutritious, and if you feel guilty for wasting food bring it to work or give it away!  Trust me the "cleanse" feels great!

New Years Eve I went for an 8mile run.  It felt pretty good and we only had one bathroom break!  I think my partner and I do a pretty good job of distracting each other.  When we're running alone we tend to notice every little discomfort.  New Years Eve I actually made it to 11pm!  That was about an hour longer than I expected, so I was pretty impressed with myself.  New Years Day I walked/ran the dogs and just enjoyed the day.  The next day (Jan 2) I taught boot camp and met my prego friend for a 25mile bike ride up the coast.  I hadn't ridden my bike in a couple of weeks because of the rain so I was a little nervous, but it felt pretty good.  I couldn't bend over too much and we had a cold head wind on the way back (which was not so fun).  But when it was done we were both glad we did it.  Monday (Jan3) was super busy with clients, which I love, so I only had time to walk/run the dogs about 2.5miles around the neighborhood, and I did my AB class with my clients.  

Today (Jan4) was kind of tough in the motivation department.  I got up early and lifted, which felt pretty good.  I do most everything I did before, but slightly lighter weight, and I stopped doing exercises where I lay flat on my back like Bench Press.  I still feel good with pull-ups although I do a lot less these days, and light jumping movements like jump squats.  I had planned to swim and run today...but as the day went on I realized how tired I was.  I also got a call that my ultrasound appointment got pushed back another week due to scheduling conflicts at the Dr. Office.  It was originally supposed to be this week, then got pushed to next week because my Dr was on vacation, then again because the ultrasound tech was out that day.  I was really disappointed because I'm anxious to know everything is going along fine.  I know I am gaining weight and getting bigger, I feel pretty good, and don't seem to have any complications, but I think it will be what I need to finally "feel pregnant".  I'm still struggling with that.  Well that, being tired, and slightly emotional left me a little in the dumps today...Luckily my dogs guilted me into taking them out for a run.  With the first few steps I knew it was EXACTLY what I needed.  Exercise is the best remedy for a bad or sad mood, your mind chemically changes and helps pump positive energy back through your body.  We only went for a 3mile run/walk, but it was the recharge I needed to get my head back and be ready to accomplish my goals for the rest of the day and get pumped for my workout tomorrow.  We all go through challenges and struggles to find motivation to exercise...even me.  But one thing I've realized is that I've NEVER finished a workout and said to myself, "Geez I feel horrible, I wish I wouldn't have done that.  I should have just stayed on the couch watching TV."  I ALWAYS feel better after a workout...sometimes I trick myself to get started by telling myself I only have to go 10min and be done, but usually 5min into it I'm already feeling better and glad I put my running shoes on and happy I took that one step.  That's all it takes...One step at a time, and before you know it you're done.  You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain with exercise!  

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