Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is there such thing as a pre-baby "bucket list"?

Sunday 2/27/11
Is there such thing as a pre-baby "bucket list"?  Well if there's not I think there should be!  Not that I think having a baby is the END of your life, but it's hard to deny that life changes...for the better I'm told. :)  So I have unintentionally put both my husband on two different "bucket-list" plans.  Mine consists of lots of training, participating in races, taking the time to read books and magazines just for fun, and taking naps WHENEVER I want.   The path I have decided my husband needs consists of going to concerts, having more nights out with the guys than usual, and basically not letting him say "no" to any of his friends invites for any reason other than he really doesn't want to go.  I didn't realize I was actually doing this until recently, but I think it makes sense because in a short 12 weeks or less life as we know it will change least while we try to figure out this baby thing.  Maybe there should be an event like a bachelor/bachelorette party before a wedding when you are about to have a baby (besides a baby shower...that's like a bridal shower...I'm talking one more last hooray for the dad and mom to be).  Something to think about all you party planners out there...this could be the next new thing! 

Any way...So you may have noticed my blogs have started to have more and more time pass between entries.  Time just seems to go by faster and faster these days.  Since the half marathon I have tried to keep up with my training (running, biking, swimming, lifting) but have definitely noticed some changes in the past couple of weeks and had a few instances that I wondered if I was nearing the end of my running while pregnant days. My legs felt heavy, my muscles burned even on easy runs, and I think I had my first experience of Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I skipped my long run this week and only did 6miles instead of 8-9.  I kind of felt like a wimp for missing my run with my running partner (who let's not forget is 5.5mo pregnant with TWINS!) because it was raining and cold out.  Of course she, being the stud that she is, powered through the weather to complete her 8mile run!  It was the first time EVER I wimped out and did a treadmill run inside instead, but in the end I think it was the right thing for my body, which was just feeling a little beat up physically this week.  This past week it it has become a little more uncomfortable to bend down and tie my shoes and anything around 10min/mile while running feels like I am SPRINTING...not necessarily that I am out of breath, but that my legs feel so heavy and I just can't seem to get my feet to move any faster!  It's also taking my body a little longer to recover between workouts and I hit a major sleepiness wall at 8pm sharp.  By the way my just to give you an update, my Doctor has given me the green light to continue with all my exercise as long as I don't have any intense cramping or bleeding, and I stay hydrated.  I told her I almost feel guilty with how easy the pregnancy has been so far...she said don't feel guilty and that the more "boring" my pregnancy was the more she like me as a patient.   
I still have had some good workouts the past couple weeks.  I met my friend to swim and did a 3000m swim in a little over an hour, I've had a couple of brutally hard workouts on my new bike trainer (which luckily I found out that the trainer IS actually harder than biking outside because at first it was a little demotivating for it to feel so hard on my legs), and I had a great long outdoor bike ride today totalling 2hrs and made it up the big hills home by my house...guess the bike trainer does actually help!  The other cool thing that has been happening the past couple of weeks is feeling her move and kick, and they are getting stronger by the day!  I think feeling the movement has been both the weirdest and best feeling so far during the pregnancy.  
....Well off to go check some more stuff off my pre-baby bucket list :)

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